In the activity log, there is a "Metrics" column that displays the Time Stamp and the Status of each activity. Here is what each status means:
The activity is connected to the destination route. In the case of routing to a Call Queue or Agent, this indicates the call was answered by a person.
In the case of routing to a receiving number, this indicates the receiving line has connected to the call. Note that this does not necessarily mean a person answered, it could have also been a voicemail box - this depends on your receiving line's external configuration and is outside the control of CTM.
(e.g. an agent answered the call from the Auditcall softphone, and the caller left a voicemail in a Auditcall Voice Menu)
The tracking number accepted the call and the caller interacted with the call route but was not answered by a human or queue. (i.e NOT routed to a call queue, agent, or receiving the number). This call status is useful in understanding the number of times a human interacted with your IVR for a survey, etc.
The call is currently in process.
(e.g. the caller is on the line speaking with an agent, on hold, navigating a voice menu, or waiting in a queue)
The caller hung up before the call finished routing.
(e.g. the caller hung up before the call could be connected to the receiving number, before the caller could make selections in a voice menu, or the caller entered a wrong entry or made no selection in a voice menu)
We routed the call to a Receiving Number and reached a busy signal.
(e.g. the Receiving Number was in use and could not receive another call)
The call could not be connected.
(e.g. misconfigured Receiving Number, destination number not in service)
No answer
We routed the call to an agent or Receiving Number, but no one (or no machine) answered.
(e.g. call completed routing, but was never answered by an agent, Receiving Number or anything else)
Prior to being answered an incoming call was disconnected by the calling party.
No Audio
No audio recording is available for the call.
This is not in the “Metrics” column, but it is usually associated with No Answers. This is indicated in the “Audio” column by a speaker icon without the three semi-circles next to it. A speaker icon with the three semi-circles next to it indicates the audio recording is available for the call.
(e.g. number was not configured to record calls, system was not able to record the call)
The Text Log also has a “Metrics” column that displays the Time Stamp and the Status of each text message. Here is what each status means in the Text Log:
The text message was received in Auditcall from the sender.
(e.g. text message was received from a customer)
This is a temporary status showing that the text message is currently being transmitted to the recipient.
(e.g. the message is currently being sent to the customer)
We completed the text routing or trigger successfully. The text may or may not have been received.
(e.g. Voice Menu triggers a text message to be sent to the caller)
The message was received by the recipient.
(e.g. the customer received the text)
A delivery receipt has been received indicating that the message was not delivered. This can happen for a number of reasons, including carrier content filtering, availability of destination handset, etc.
The message has not be sent to the recipient.
(e.g. bulk text messages scheduled for a future time)
This is a temporary status showing that the message is currently waiting to be processed and sent. Each number can typically send one text message per second. So when a single number sends multiple texts at the same time, the system organizes them into a queue while each one is processed.
(e.g. text message that is part of a bulk message being sent to a large list of recipients)
This is a temporary status showing that the text message is currently being transmitted to the Auditcall system.
(e.g. the message is currently being sent to the Auditcall system from the customer)
The message was sent to the recipient. This does not necessarily mean the message was received.
(e.g. the message was sent to the customer but they did not receive it because they were offline)
The message could not be delivered.
(e.g. recipient number is not in service or is not enabled to receive text messages)
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